Zakład Rolniczo Przemysłowy „Farmutil HS” inc. belongs to the group of companies “FARMUTIL HS” founded by Henryk Stokłosa and his family. The businesses are financed only by Polish capital.
The headquarters of the joint-stock company is located in Śmiłowo, Piła county, Wielkopolska Voivodeship. Its range covers the entire country.
Activities of the company focus on three main profiles:
- collection, transport and processing of animal by-products category 1, 2 and 3,
- manufacture and sale of derivative products – meat-bone meal and animal fat,
- manufacture and sale of biomass – Agro pellets.
Our processing plants belong to one of the biggest and best equipped in Europe. Our products are sold both on the European and Asian markets.
We can claim and ensure with satisfaction that during our 30-year activity we have gained the trust of thousands clients who have cooperated with us for many years.
Our strengths are: modernity, high-end technology and professional service.