DOCUMENTS REQUIRED FOR COLLECTION OF DEAD LIVESTOCK: cattle, sheep, goats, horses and pigs:
It allows you to assign received piece to the corresponding ages or weight, which often cannot be put clearly in commercial documents.
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Model document: *.PDF *.XLSX
The mandatory transport document in the case of collecting dead livestock. The obligatory mercantile document for the appropriate category results from the Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development of August 19th, 2014 on the model of mercantile document used in the carriage, exclusively within the territory of the Republic of Poland for animal by-products (Journal of Laws from 2014 item 1222).
Depending on the category of the incoming raw material a certain model is used:
- Mercantile document category 1 – in the case of collection of dead species of cattle, sheep and goats,
- Mercantile document category 2 – when receiving dead species of horses and pigs.
The receipt of the carcass collection and the mercantile document is issued as standard in 3 copies:
- original – for the entity performing disposal of dead animals,
- first copy – for the entity performing transport services,
- second copy – for the entity providing dead animals (agricultural producer)
* If the carrier and an entity that conducts disposal are the same, company documents may be printed only in two copies.
Download documents:
Mercantile document category 1: *.PDF *.XLSX
Mercantile document category 2:*.PDF *.XLSX
Model mercantile document category 1: *.PDF *.XLSX
Model mercantile document category 2: *.PDF *.XLSX
(required only for agricultural producers with ARMA funding)
It is a document based on which an agricultural producer may apply to obtain public assistance from the Agency for Restructuring and Modernization of Agriculture in the form of grants or total reimbursement of the costs of: collection, transport and disposal of dead livestock of cattle, sheep, goats, horses or pigs.
This document should be filled in upon collection of dead livestock which were entitled to financial assistance of ARMA. If the grower has signed a cooperation agreement with Zakład Rolniczo-Przemysłowy “Farmutil HS” inc., this statement is filled only once at the moment of signing the agreement between the two parties.
The statement needs to be updated in case of:
- circumstances occur that require changes in the statement, e.g. a change in the accounting for the agricultural producer from the VAT flat rate to general principles,
- signing an agreement of cooperation for the next year between Zakład Rolniczo-Przemysłowy “Farmutil HS” inc. and the Agency for Restructuring and Modernization of Agriculture,
- changes in the pattern of the document specified by the Agency for Restructuring and Modernization of Agriculture.
The document “Statement of the agricultural producer” is prepared in two copies.
Download document: *.PDF *.XLSX
Models of document fill in patterns, depending on the type of business:
– natural person (agricultural producer on lump sum): *.PDF *.XLSX
– natural person (agricultural producer on general basis – VAT): *.PDF *.XLSX
– public body: *.PDF *.XLSX
– organizational unit without legal personality, e.g. general partnership: *.PDF *.XLSX
– civil law partnership: *.PDF *.XLSX