Business profile

The core business of Zakład Rolniczo-Przemysłowy “Farmutil HS” inc. is collection, transport, disposal of animal by-products and dead farm animals. Being the Polish leader in this field we own reprocessing plants belonging to the biggest and latest in Europe.

Principal activity is complemented by the production of biomass in the form of Agro pellets produced only from natural, carefully selected raw materials and residues from agricultural crops.

The company also offers transport services. It has an extensive fleet of specialized vehicles, which includes several hundred of modern vehicles equipped with self-loading system and raw materials cooling systems. The vehicles are designated to support company’s operations and to provide specialist transport services.

The Agro-industrial Plant “Farmutil HS” inc. also provides services of waste water drainage in Kaczory borough.

Caring for the health and safety of employees the company has its own Clinic, which also provides external medical services.

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